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Around the World in 24 hours International Day of Peace and World Wellness Qigong Event
On Friday, September 20, 2024, starting at 11:00 AM Central (US and Canada), 23 beautiful leaders from around our planet will guide various healing practices every 30-60 minutes to raise the energy of Love on our planet for all sentient beings. How cool is that!!!
Around the World in 24 hours International Day of Peace and World Wellness Qigong Event
Around the World in 24 hours International Day of Peace and World Wellness Qigong Event
On Friday, September 20, 2024, starting at 11:00 AM Central (US and Canada), 23 beautiful leaders from around our planet will guide various healing practices every 30-60 minutes to raise the energy of Love on our planet for all sentient beings. How cool is that!!!
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