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Proverb exists to inspire a 360° APPROACH to wellness which integrates gym, SPORT, diet, your skincare and results-driven treatments. Engineered to improve longevity, movement, STRETCH, injury prevention, recovery and your PERFORMANCE in life’s journey.
Our background in qualification beauty schools and professional sport ensures EXPERT training is at the heart of the Proverb brand ethos.
Stretch & Align with Proverb
This is an invite for you and a friend to join founders Kirstie and Luke to experience a 45-minute Assisted Stretch Session. Born from elite sport Proverb creates elite sports nutritional skincare and assisted stretch massage and facial treatments for global spas and gyms. Kirstie, our Head of Training will be taking you on a journey she normally teaches to PTs and body massage therapists showing you a range of toolbox-assisted stretches to target all the key muscle groups in your body. The difference when someone else is assisting your stretch is huge. The session will be engineered to improve movement, recovery, and your performance in life's journey. The aim is to leave you with crucial skills you can use every day as part of your wellness routine or as a warm-up or cool-down to your training, whether you are on your own or have a friend to assist your stretch.
What you will need:
A partner
Some comfy stretch clothes
Language: English
Duration: 45mins (the link will stay live so you can join whenever you want)
Keep your eyes peeled for the link to join the session!
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