Close the day with a mindful moment
Join this online session to pause and be in the present. Feel supported and grounded with the online presence during this 15 minute mindfulness session.
A perfect way to close the day.
The venue this weekend is a mixture of online and the great outdoors.
Social fitness walk meets at the Coffee shop in Milton Country Park.
Mindful moment sessions are online.
Join this online session to pause and be in the present. Feel supported and grounded with the online presence during this 15 minute mindfulness session.
A perfect way to close the day.
Join this online session to pause and be in the present. Feel supported and grounded with the online presence during this 15 minute mindfulness session.
A perfect way to start your day.
Come along to enjoy an outdoor Social fitness activity in a country park. The activity will offer meaningful connections, mindful moments and leisurely walk around the lake.
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Presentation of your venue
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